Fallout 3 Remaster, Dishonored 3 and many other games are in development


Newly leaked documents of Microsoft has revealed some unannounced games of Bethesdainclude Oblivion Remaster, Fallout 3 Remaster, Dishonored 3. This information was accidentally revealed from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) trial against Microsoft regarding its acquisition of Activision Blizzard. The documents include a chart compiled in July 2020 ahead of the March 2021 acquisition of Bethesda parent company ZeniMax Media.

As a result, the release time of some games has clearly changed (for example, Starfield has been pushed back many times, and the Indiana Jones game of MachineGames is not yet out) and some unannounced games in the document may have been cancelled. But this is indeed Bethesda’s exact release schedule as of three years ago. Below is the release list:​

Oblivion Remaster
Indiana Jones game​

Doom Year Zero and DLC
Project Kestrel
Project Platinum​

Project Kestrel: Expansion
A licensed IP game
Fallout 3 Remaster
Ghostwire: Tokyo 2
Dishonored 3
DOOM Year Zero DLC

Note: ZeniMax Media’s fiscal year ends on December 31.

The leaked documents also include revenue forecasts by game. Starfield, for example, is expected to generate $900 million in revenue. And The Elder Scrolls 6 is expected to generate $1 billion in the year the game launches.​


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