Explaining the attraction of OnMic fever – The application ranked top 1 in Vietnam’s social network rankings

Fever OnMic lasting since August 2021 has not stopped and continues to spread throughout the gaming community over the past few days. What is the reason why this relatively unfamiliar name can surpass Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok to rise to the top of the social media rankings and free application rankings in the Vietnamese market?

What is OnMic?

OnMic is one social network Audio was developed by OnMic International Private Limited (Singapore) with the goal of creating a voice social network platform specifically for the gaming community in the world. Appearing in Vietnam for the first time around August 2021, this application focuses on developing two main features: chat rooms and gaming clubs. In just a short time, this application has captured the hearts of Vietnamese gamers and is becoming a strong fever in the gaming industry. Currently, according to statistics from App Annie – a reputable data site about phone applications, OnMic has ranked at the top of Vietnam’s social network rankings for many consecutive weeks.


Explaining the attraction of the leading application OnMic

OnMic rising to the top of the social network rankings in Vietnam probably surprised many people because this is a brand new name in the Vietnamese market. However, when experiencing and learning more about this application, users will realize many plus points as follows:

Simple features, easy to use but carefully invested, superior quality

In terms of features, OnMic focuses on developing a chat room system and game club, but thanks to careful investment and care, these two features of OnMic both bring a superior experience.

Specifically, even though there are thousands of chat rooms every day with the number of people in the room ranging from 10 – 3000 people, OnMic still ensures stable transmission and clear, instant sound quality. Public or private room mode with password and room ID allows users to choose to play with a group of close friends or open the room door to welcome new friends. Users can also easily adjust the mic volume of themselves and their friends right on the chat bubble, extremely convenient operations without having to alt-tab back to the application while playing a game. At the same time, other features such as turning off individual mics and turning off all mics also help the room owner manage the chat room effectively, ensuring a civilized and healthy exchange environment on OnMic.

In particular, OnMic is also developed on many platforms. In addition to the Mobile version, OnMic also supports PC version, Web version and integrated version on emulator software. Therefore, no matter what game you play, no matter what device you play on, OnMic can support you easily.


A series of events close to the community, bringing a lot of added value to users

OnMic has been continuously organizing many different tournaments for many different game titles, in order to create a regular playground for users. Although the tournaments do not have a large budget, with the frequency of continuous and regular organization, OnMic is truly a vibrant playground for those who like to compete, exchange, improve their gaming skills and receive rewards.


Update OnMic’s latest programs:​

  • The Free Fire Legion Tournament between Youtubers takes place from January 17 to January 27, 2022.​

  • Invite friends to join OnMic and receive instant gifts from January 20 to January 25, 2022.​

  • Build your own Club, receive phone scratch cards, and have the opportunity to receive green ticks and be on OnMic’s Recommendation Page.​

  • Custom tournament 19:00 every day to receive Garena cards.​

OnMic is personally recommended by Free Fire to gamers and trusted by famous Youtubers

OnMic is a rare application that is personally recommended by a leading Vietnamese game publisher to gamers on official media sites. On the official Facebook account, Free Fire refers to OnMic as “gamer’s new companion”. On the official Youtube account, Free Fire commented “Experience the ultimate Free Fire chat room on OnMic”. Not only recognized by experts, OnMic is also recommended by many Youtubers and Tiktokers in the Gaming world such as: commentator Hoang Son AOV of the game Lien Quan; Rikaki Gaming, Tuyen Xu, RGFF NTN from the game Free Fire; JayGrayVN, Ender Dragon VN, Vinh MC from the game Minecraft, Duy Le from the game Crossfire or Thang Te Te from Play Together… This lineup has covered most of the major games in Vietnam, so the spread of the application This application is faster and more powerful.


Alliance with “emerging” names

One of the reasons why OnMic is increasingly widely known is that this application always keeps up with new trends in the Vietnamese market. Joining hands with Wakuoo – a recently emerging Android emulator in Vietnam – is considered a very right move for OnMic. The fact that OnMic is integrated into this very popular emulation software also shows that OnMic is gradually getting closer to the entire set of gaming users, from mobile, PC, web to even emulation channels.


Overall, converging many factors, OnMic is really creating a fever and is receiving a lot of favor from Vietnamese gamers. Although there are still many things to improve, with its bold but correct directions, OnMic promises to become one of the most used applications in Vietnam.​

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