Chinese animated blockbuster White Snake 2 released a new image, Elegant Tieu Thanh in Asura Thanh

Recreating the famous love story in Chinese mythology Thanh Xa – White Snake in film form cartoon new, White Snake: Dependent Origination made a splash in his hometown and received the love of a large audience. Following that success, the producer continued to release part 2 with the title White Snake 2: Thanh Xa Kiep Khoi.

If in the previous part, the movie mainly revolved around the love story of Bach Xa – Hua Tien and the difficulties they had to face, then in this part, the story mainly focuses on Thanh Xa. After Tieu Bach was imprisoned by Phap Hai in Tran Loi Tower, Tieu Thanh did not hesitate to enter the dream to find a way to save her.

It was this great obsession that caused Tieu Thanh to be attacked in Tu La Thanh. According to the newly released trailer of White Snake 2: Thanh Xa Kiep Khoi, Tu La Thanh is the gathering place of all people with attachments in the world, where there is never a shortage of battles. With the help of a mysterious teenager, Tieu Thanh begins an adventurous journey to find a way to escape the holy temple and defeat Phap Hai. Perhaps this is also an important breakthrough on the path of spiritual practice. her training.​


White Snake 2: Blue Snake Life is expected to officially premiere on July 23 in theaters in China.

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