A fighting game adapted from the Avatar series is in development

The Avatar series is currently busier than ever with an adaptation project about to debut on Netflix and 3 new animated projects in the works. Not stopping there, recently when sharing about his 2024 roadmap, game developer Maximum Entertainment said there will be an Avatar game released in the next fiscal year.

Christina Seelye, CEO of Maximum Entertainment, added:


As you know, in the past there have been many Avatar games released, versions on PlayStation 2, Gameboy Advance and Nintendo DS were even released right when the first movie started. But since then, the failure of The Legend of Korra or Avatar: The Last Airbender Quest for Balance has made fans begin to doubt the potential of games adapted from Avatar.

Hopefully, working directly with Paramount will at least give the game a larger budget, thereby creating a more carefully crafted product than its “predecessors”. Currently, very little information about the fighting game about the Last Airbender has been revealed, Maximum promises to bring gamers more details in the near future.

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