
Diablo IV lands on Steam this month

​ Diablo IVone of the biggest games of 2023, will be available on Steam starting October 17, coinciding with the launch of Season 2. Blizzard published version Steam belong to Diablo 4 in developer updates. The game will support Crossplay and cross-play progression as soon as it launches on Valve’s platforms. That means Diablo 4…

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rarely, the auction closes after only 30 minutes of opening, with the price increasing to 310 billion

At 4 o’clock this afternoon, Yu-Gi-Oh! The 20th anniversary edition has officially opened for auction in China, attracting the attention of countless fans. Yu-Gi-Oh! as well as collectors. And just 30 minutes later, card This price has reached a price that makes many people afraid.​ ​ It is known that the card Yu-Gi-Oh! Blue Eyes…

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