
OTA Network accompanies media with the national student e-sports tournament NSOC 2023

With more than 1,500 content creators developing cross-platform and social channels generating billions of views each month, OTA Network is the owner of the largest Gaming Creators communities in Vietnam and the first partner , official Facebook Gaming since 2018. Possessing all those strengths, OTA Network always aims to contribute to the strong growth of…

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President Veres – Talented male streamer of the Vietnam Coalition community

President Veres probably not a strange name in the community Vietnam Coalition. With remarkable gaming skills and unique content creation thinking, especially the “break-in” series livestream belong to streamer extremely impressive, President Veres has built for himself a strong and enthusiastic viewer community with more than 683K members on the platform. Facebook Gaming and network…

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Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water – The most haunting horror game scheduled to come to PC

Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water was not well received when released on Wii U in 2015. The game received many negative reviews such as “repetitive action”, “uninteresting plot” and “no redeeming factor”. scared.” Those are the worst reviews for a horror game. Maybe version remake With the series’ 20th anniversary coming up, the game…

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